Does a good night’s sleep sound like a dream?

Sleep Doula Support & Coaching

4 Months - 3 Years Old

Do you have QUESTIONS about your Child's Sleep?

I've Got Answers!

  • Do you have to rock, nurse or use a pacifier for your baby in order to get them to sleep?

  • Do you want your child to sleep in their own crib/bed and room?

  • Do you have to rock or swing or drive your child around in order to get them napping?

  • Is your toddler’s bedtime a permanent frustrating battle?

  • Is your baby waking up several times at night for feedings or needing you to help them fall back asleep?

  • Do you have to lie down with your child to get them to sleep?

  • Your toddler won't sleep (or stay) in their own bed?

  • Does your baby/toddler wake up before the sun comes up?


While a common myth is that sleep problems are inevitable in the first few years of life, the fact is that good sleep habits can be encouraged from an early stage and that most babies can learn to sleep well starting from a few months of age. Regardless of how old your child is, it is never too late to make positive changes.

  • Babies who nap are happier, more content and alert, as well as having longer attention spans than babies who do not nap.

  • Young children who do not get enough sleep are fussier, have more tantrums, have a low tolerance for frustration and wake up more frequently at night.

  • Children who are tired and chronically sleep-deprived have more trouble learning and often exhibit hyperactive behavior.

The importance and benefits of adequate sleep, quantity AND quality, are numerous - both for the child and parents.

Although there is always a time of upset while transitioning to new habits, I offer great alternatives to parents who resist the idea of leaving their child alone to “cry-it-out”.


I break my consultations into two parts. The first consult is focused an evaluation of your child and whole family to make sure everyone is ready and able to make changes. We spend about 1-2 hours on sleep foundations and hygiene. Think of it as a sleep coaching prep! After we’ve established good sleep habits, we then move to focus on sleep coaching. This consult is usually 2-3 hours where we collaborate on creating a sleep plan your child will positively respond to, but also is something your family can commit to. I will provide the guidance you need to gently teach your child(ren) to sleep and will include:

  • A comprehensive assessment of your child's history, sleep challenge and sleep needs.

  • A customized step-by-step sleep plan for solving your nap and sleep challenge that is centered on your family’s needs and preferred goals, as well as your parenting and life style. Plans are designed to minimize crying and maximize your ability to be consistent, which is the key to sleep coaching success.

  • An age appropriate schedule designed to get your child sleeping long stretches and, if age appropriate, sleeping through the night.

  • Follow up calls to provide additional guidance and support throughout the sleep coaching process.

All consultations and written sleep plans are customized for your child and include the following:

  • Times for teaching your baby the difference between day and night

  • Strategies to encourage sleep

  • Creating a healthy sleep environment

  • Reviewing age appropriate sleep and eating needs

  • A day-to-day schedule

  • Sleep techniques protocol

  • Tips for day and night time sleep

  • Create a consistent, yet flexible routine that fits your family’s needs