
Deb was a fantastic help at the start of our journey as parents! In those early weeks and months, sleep is so so incredibly precious. Having Deb help out 1 or 2 nights a week gave us a chance to catch up a little, which made us better parents the rest of the week. We slept well knowing that our little one was in very capable and caring hands. 

Deb's knowledge and experience were so valuable. Not only did she take great care of our little one, but she was an incredible resource for us as we learned how to parent. 

As new parents, the amount of advice out there can be overwhelming: friends, family, books, doctors, and the internet all have answers for every question, but those answers often conflict. When we had a hard question, e.g. about sleep routines, we found talking to Deb to be the most helpful option of all. There are several reasons why. First, she's very experienced: she's been helping with infants for more than a decade, so she's seen all types of babies. Second, she knows our little one (and us): having spent nights with our kiddo, she already knows which options just won't work for us and what makes sense for our baby and family. Finally, she's able to help out in a flexible way over time: we would make a plan with Deb, try it out, call Deb and strategize about tweaks to the plan, try it out, follow up again, etc., as many times as we needed until we had a routine that worked. It's hard to imagine getting through challenging times like the 4 month sleep regression without Deb's experience, consistent help and advice!

-Katie and Marne, 2022

This was our first child- we had no baseline of what to expect and while we have family in the area for support, my husband and I felt it was important to get support from someone who could help lead and guide us through this journey- without any judgement or pressure. Deb is by far-- one of the most down to earth and honest human beings I've met in a very long time. I truly appreciated her candor and perspective with a very soft approach. She is educated in the space and while every baby is different, we could tell she had a ton of experience and we were very excited and lucky to learn from her.

[The return on my investment in a doula was] sanity, education, and comfort :) Sleep deprivation is real and even having a few hours of reprieve was extremely helpful for my mental state. It was nice to have someone not only cheering me on to work through these tough times but to know someone was consistently in my court guiding me- gave me immense ease. Being a parent is hard and there are no right or wrong answers. Deb really helped me understand this and more so importantly I'm learning how to be okay with it. I would recommend Deb to every mother, family, and beyond.

-Sheila, 2022

“I interviewed a few doulas and felt [Deb’s] style was both caring and pragmatic. It also helped that [she is] funny :) Working with [Deb] really improved the birth experience for both me and my husband. Anytime we had a question, we didn't have to spend hours consulting Dr. Google and driving ourselves crazy - we had someone with far more experience to turn to who understood our goals. I didn't have strong preferences in terms of how my birth unfolded, other than feeling like I was supported and consulted on all decisions. The two pre-birth educational meetings were incredibly helpful, as it better empowered me to understand what could happen during birth and how to prepare. [Deb] also focused on supporting the whole family, not just me, which allowed my husband to be a more effective coach for me during my birth.” —Kelley, 2022

“Deb is simply the best. She is patient, kind, understanding, open and incredibly responsive. She has a very encouraging and nurturing approach to new mamas and is always looking for opportunities to encourage or empower a new mom. We worked with Deb for both of our post partum seasons with our kids and she's been a life saver for each. With our twins, she provided us with hours of what would have been lost sleep and furthermore, helped us through a very hard season with colicky twins. With our third, she's been a solid sounding board and constantly looking out for what's best for me (mom) and what is best for our family at large. She takes every opportunity she sees to remind me how great of a job I am doing each week, whether the struggles are big or small. She's supportive in helping me find ways to cope, problem solve and get through these first few months with a newborn. She's very resourceful and has so much knowledge - I don't know what we'd do without her!”

—Melissa, 2022

“Deb provided the support my husband and I desperately needed in the early, bleary-eyed days of our parenting journey with twins. I had hit a wall of fatigue about six weeks postpartum. The endless cycle of breastfeeding and pumping bordered on grueling. I was anxious, irritable and found it hard to sleep (although I was exhausted!).

Enter Doula Deb, who helped us mostly with overnight care so we could get the restorative sleep we desperately needed. Deb was calm, caring, supportive, reliable and positive. She listened and provided us with information, baby-care tips and encouragement. With her watching over and helping care for our daughters (and us!) in the wee hours, I felt like I could finally exhale. Welcoming Deb into our home was like getting the whiffs of parenting oxygen we needed to help us reset and find our way through the early days of parenthood.”

— Lori, 2013

“How will input into words how much I love this woman! Deb was my back up doula, she came as soon as I called the morning my babe decided to join us. Despite having had an all-nighter that night she was so alert and kind. She instantly made us feel calm and was able to comfort me anytime fear or uncertainty popped up. I felt so spoiled my entire labor and delivery but little did I know that this was just the beginning of the amount of love and care she would provide my little family. Following baby's birth Deb came to my home and spent an entire afternoon helping me navigate the many hurdles that you have while recovering and learning how to care for a new born, and boy I felt like I had so many hurdles! Breast feeding, pumping, recovery questions nothing was off limits and nothing went un answered! She's full of information, resources, encouraging words. I felt so seen and so confident after she left and even to this day 7 months later she continues to help me navigate any issues that pop up. She offers sleep help and online consulting anytime I have questions or need to pull from her vast experience and resources. She's my momma guru and we would be so lost without her!

—Amy, 2020

“Deb truly is what every family needs, especially first-time parents like us! Despite reading many books and preparing as much as we could, I was still a nervous wreck when our daughter Ella was born. Luckily, from the moment Deb came through our door, I knew we were all in great hands. Not only did she take amazing care of Ella overnight, but she also went above and beyond helping us navigate the challenges we faced the first few months (including severe tongue and lip ties with 2 revisions, breastfeeding latch issues, trying different formulas for supplementing due to my breastmilk undersupply, teaching me how to use a pump correctly, Ella's acid reflux, and more). There really was no curve ball she couldn’t handle, and day or night she was always there cheering us on. I am a much more confident (and rested!) mom because of Deb’s help and will always look back on our time fondly. I especially miss our middle of the night pumping chats. Luckily, she is only a text away.”

—Kelsey P, 2021

“Hiring Deb was the best decision we made for our postpartum support. She stands out amongst other doulas in her depth of experience and confidence in taking care of newborns. From the first night, when we handed off our baby to her and got some much needed sleep, we looked forward to every other night we had her. It helped alleviate stress and anxiety as new parents knowing that our baby was in good hands.

Deb was a great support for me especially in the beginning (jaundice, every 2-3 hr feeds, diaper rash, circumcision care, etc) She offers her insights and advice in a gentle way that isn't overwhelming. I had a lot of trouble with nursing and milk supply initially, and though not a lactation specialist herself, i found her suggestions to be very helpful. Not to mention she has a treasure trove of supplies in her car that saved me a couple of times.

I attribute much of our success with our baby's sleep to her coaching. Ask her anything and she has a solution for it! If we ever have number two, we will be sure to hire her again.”

— Jenny, 2021

“Deb made my labor feel so much smoother, made me feel so much more empowered and helped provide me with the exact birth that I wanted. We initially chose to hire Deb so that I could get more support during labor than what my husband alone could provide. I didn't realize when we hired her how much of an absolute necessity she would be and how much both my husband and I would thoroughly appreciate her.

Deb was present and there for me exactly when and how I asked her to be. Her knowledge and helpfulness far exceeded both my husband and my expectations. My husband and I walked out of the hospital still talking about how much of a value Deb is and how grateful we were to have her there.

After birth she was there with advice, knowledge, and resources for us when asked. She is not pushy, and never overbearing with her knowledge. Having gone through birth and receiving postpartum help and advice from her, Deb now feels like family. I can’t recommend her enough.”

— Gwen, 2021

“I had premature twin boys in November 2019 and needed a LOT of help with overnight care. Doula Deb was our savior! She was recommended to us by another postpartum doula who was helping us with overnight care, but had limited capacity. She and I connected very quickly in our initial interview and I felt like she "got" me. She wanted to be our ally, not an authoritative know-it-all. Deb felt like the best friend who comes over to help you with your kids and let you have a break. She was a natural fit in our family and allowed us to get much needed sleep at night.  She taught us about sleep training, how to keep our babies safe, and relieved our concerns. She was available via text/email/phone 24/7 while we were using her services and let me tell you, we texted her A LOT with our questions and concerns. We highly recommend Deb and her postpartum/sleep training services for all parents (new or seasoned) to help with the newborn phase and beyond. My husband and I still talk about how we miss Deb and our chats before heading to bed. She will always be a treasured resource and friend.”

— Jessica, 2019

“I have known Deb for a few years and credit her with helping bring my son Wyatt into the world. I was four days laboring and couldn't get Wyatt to progress. I was at my sanity's end and called her for some advice. She had me try some stretches for the intense back pain and when she heard the panic and pain in my voice over the phone she said "I'm on my way!" She came straight to my house and helped calm both me and my husband while helping Wyatt to progress. She helped get me into positions to help Wyatt get into better position to get my contractions coming quickly enough to go to the hospital. Her knowledge, strength, and natural way of approaching my ongoing labor gave me the strength to keep pushing through the pain of four days of contractions and no sleep. She came to the hospital with us and helped me labor for several more hours before Wyatt came into the world. I am not a standard client. I called her in an emergency for guidance and I truly believe she is the reason we had Wyatt safely that day. We are trying for our second baby and she will be my first call when we do become pregnant. I trust her to help guide me through one of the most important seasons of my life.”

— Hannah, 2018

For more testimonials visit www.DoulaMatch.com
