Postpartum Recovery in 4 Easy Steps!

Don’t get me wrong, postpartum recovery is NOT easy, BUT if you know what to expect and pace yourself, you’ll be feeling better faster! Please note, this is just an average on how to pace yourself and the best thing to do is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Do not move to the next week of recovery steps until you feel ready. Bonus: Share this with family and friends as to what expect after you have your baby and tell them Doula Deb said they can’t come over until after 3-4 weeks. And if you’re feeling up for a visit sooner, invite them over, no big deal! Just make sure they’re the kind of visitors that will help, not hinder your recovery!

Week One IN the Bed

The first week home with your baby, focus on staying IN THE BED. This will aid in your recovery from pregnancy depletion, birth (vaginal or belly), and the around the clock newborn care. Plan to stay in bed and horizontal as much as possible. Baby, food, water, and any other necessities should be in arms reach and/or brought to you. Goals: Feed the baby (however that looks for you and get help!), eat well, drink lots of fluids and REST!

Week Two ON the Bed

Still focus on resting as much as possible, but you can start moving around more. No strenuous activities! Don't start your day until you feel like you've slept enough for the night (sometimes that 10am or 3pm, both are fine!) Goals: Feed the baby (get help if needed!), eat well, drink lots of fluids, and REST! If you're feeling up for visitors, try to stick to 1-2 visitors this week. Ask them to bring a meal, hold the baby while you rest or do a load of laundry or two!

Week Three AROUND the Bed

It's time to start slowly moving away from bed rest, while still keeping close to home and resting. You should be starting to feel better each day even though you're still tired from the long nights. If you haven't had visitors yet, you may feel ready for one this week. Don't over do it and ask them to come to you in the bed! Goals: Feed the baby, eat well to replenish your depleted body, drink lots of fluids (get creative with teas, smoothies, soups and broths) and you guessed it lots of REST!

Week Four Released from the bed!

By week four you may feel ready to get out of the house for some fresh air and venture out for a gentle, easy walk with baby. Start slow! Take it day-by-day on how much physical activity to incorporate. If you notice an increase in bright red bleeding or a return of bleeding, that's a RED FLAG! You guessed it GO BACK TO BED for another 24-48 hours!

Did you find this helpful? Leave me a comment below or shoot me an email at!

This concept was adapted from the great Penny Simkin


Postpartum Recovery Essentials


How to Decide How Much Postpartum Care You Will Need