Cracking the Sleep Code: Your Burning Questions Answered 

Hello, Sleep-Seeking Parents,

Pour yourself a cup of coffee, and let's have an honest conversation about the sleep struggles many of you have shared with me. As your trusted birth, postpartum, and sleep doula, I'm here to address the questions burning in your minds about why sleep coaching might not be yielding the results you desire and why your little one seems to resist the allure of a good night's sleep.

  • Could Following My Child Be the Culprit Instead of Establishing a Routine? This is a classic pitfall. Are you letting your child lead the way instead of establishing a consistent routine? Let's discuss how a well-crafted routine can be a game-changer.

  • Have We Accidentally Fallen into the Trap of Parenting Mishaps? Accidental parenting happens to the best of us. Let's unravel these unintentional habits and set a course for intentional, effective parenting.

  • Are We Missing Our Child's Sleep Cues? The subtle cues your child gives might hold the key. Let's delve into the art of reading these cues and responding with a sleep strategy that aligns with your little one's needs.

  • Are We Overlooking the Constant Changes in Young Children? Kids are like little chameleons, constantly evolving. Is your sleep plan adapting to their changes? Let's explore how to stay one step ahead of their ever-shifting preferences.

  • Are We Hoping for an Easy Fix in a Complex Situation? Seeking an easy fix is natural, but parenting rarely comes with shortcuts. Let's discuss realistic expectations and sustainable approaches.

  • Is There a Lack of Full Commitment to Embrace Change? Change can be challenging. Are you fully committed, or are doubts lingering? Let's navigate this journey together.

  • Could the Approach We're Trying Clash with Our Family Dynamics or My Personality? Not every approach fits every family. Let's chat about finding strategies that align with your unique dynamics and personal style.

  • If It Ain't Broke, Do We Really Need to Fix It? Sometimes, what you're doing works just fine. Let's celebrate those victories and explore how to enhance what's already working splendidly for your family.

  • Are Our Expectations Realistic or Setting Us Up for Frustration? Expectations shape our experience. Let's delve into setting realistic goals and embracing the unpredictability of parenthood.

Sleep coaching might not be a one-size-fits-all solution, but together, we can navigate the twists and turns. So, let's grab our coffee mugs and unlock the secrets to a good night's sleep, one question at a time.

Click here to book a call and see if we can get to the bottom of your sleep issue!

Warmest regards,

Doula Deb

Your Dedicated Sleep Doula


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